Tuesday, February 19, 2008

JT got 1st place in his age group!!!

Well today was the pinewood derby. After weeks of sweat and two cars later we did it. Or I should say JT and Jon did it. They built JT a yellow car with red flames! We explained to JT over and over that it didn't matter if he won or not it was fun just building the car. We didn't want tears because he didn't win. Well lo and behold JT won first place in his age group. Might not have been first for all the cars but it is still pretty darn great. He was SO excited. I'm very proud of my little man.


Sandy said...

Cute pics of the little one, you are a proud mommy and rightfully so.

Blog walking this am and thought I'd say hi. Congrats on the JT's 1st place. I remember when my brohers would make those go carts things for Boy Scouts....way way back in the dark ages.

Welcome mats always out, so stop in for a visit.
